The Professional's Source

Add A Flake Floor System to Your Existing Services

Man in workshop with dust mask on looking at laptop

Add A Flake Floor System to Your Existing Services

If you are reading this section, we are assuming you have a concrete business already. Maybe you just lay concrete right now or maybe you do concrete staining and design. Either way, if you have never considered adding a Flake Floor Service to your Business, we are here to encourage you to do so yesterday!

Why Flake Floors?

1. It’s simple and straightforward.

Sure, you have to adjust every once in a while your material proportions due to weather, the type of concrete [get the rest of the list from Jim], but outside of that, it’s a job that you can get into a routine with and knock out without too much thought.

2. It is a really good system that everyone loves!

Customers are always satisfied. Literally. As long as you use good quality materials like the ones we sell at Industry Coatings, you will always have satisfied customers. And happy customers are referring customers! Jim says, “In the twelve years that I featured the Flake Floor System in my offerings, I never had one dissatisfied customer. Not one call-back to come back and fix anything. Twelve years.”

3. It takes less time.

You can easily do three garages a week with a 2-man team. That is an efficient system with reliable money coming in.

4. Profit margins are good

Profit margins are good, especially considering the quick turnaround time of each job.

5. Equipment

If you already have an existing concrete business, you probably won’t have to add much in the way of new equipment. See HERE for a list of equipment needs to have a successful Flake Floor Business.

We Asked Jim . . .

Q: What is your biggest regret about owning your concrete staining and design company for fifteen years?

Jim: “By the time I retired, I had gotten rid of all of the other stuff I originally offered and Flake Floors was all I was doing. Not only my biggest regret, but my Only regret was that I didn’t make the shift ten years earlier. I didn’t have to offer these crazy, fancy, complicated processes. With Flake Floors, I figured out you can take these 3 materials and make a living. I know it, because I’ve done it.”

Q: What was the hardest part, at the beginning, of adding Flake Floors to your list of services?

Jim: “The hardest part for me at the beginning was finding the right materials and having the support of a vendor standing behind me. I tried a lot of different products until I found the right one. That was why, when I retired, I founded Industry Coatings. I wanted to eliminate that one issue for anyone that is running a Flake Floor Business. The product we offer here is the one that I know, from my own experience, will create a smooth installation process and customer satisfying floor. Every time. And because I have done this so long, I can also stand behind you and support you through complicated jobs. Whether that is just a phone call to talk you through how much product you need or an actual site-visit where I come out and help you with a job, I am here and ready  to give you the support you need to succeed in this business!”

Need Help? Get in Touch.


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Resources & Support

Flake Floor Calculator

See how many bags of flakes you need for your project.

Your Project's Square Feet
You Need

Go Buy Flakes

For full coverage of chips multiply the square footage by .08 to .1.

For example: 400 square feet needs 400 x .08 = 32 pounds, to 400 x .1 = 40 pounds.

The chips come in 20- and 40-pound boxes.